John Bean V2400 Imaging Wheel Alignment System
The V2400 Imaging Wheel Alignment System is one of the most advanced alignment systems on the market today. Patented imaging technology provides accurate and real-time measurements that improve productivity.
User-friendly features such as EZ-TOE, VODI™ and an extensive vehicle specification database delivers customer satisfaction, ease of use and accuracy.
Wheel aligner for maximum throughput.
- Accurate and repeatable measurements
- Small and lightweight single-plane targets (XD)
- Self-centering AC400 quick wheel clamps:
- secure and consistent attachment owing to clutch limited clamping force
- securely attach the tyre without contacting the rim
- large, comfortable handle allows ergonomic use
- durable and lightweight magnesium construction
- tire diameter range 19″ – 39″
- Productivity-enhancing software Pro42 PLATINUM: a high-resolution ICON-based software program designed to provide simple and effective use of information required by the technician.
- Measurement of toe, camber, caster, maximum steering angle, rolling radius and cross diagonal
- ProAckermann, graphical caster trail, scrub radius and SAI
- A-arm and cradle adjust
- EZ Toe for easy and convenient adjustment at maximum steering angle
- EZ Access for measurement with demounted wheels
- Quick alignment check with audit print-out
- Moveable camera beam with two high-resolution XD cameras
- 22“ flat-screen monitor
- High-end control terminal with printer drawer and embedded PC
- Optional TIP for ride height measurement

It is a tool that allows equipment to be connected to a garage. With the asanetwork all relevant information are made available at every workstation in the shop as all machines are connected to the commercial software.

Turn the front wheels and access difficult adjustment points while still displaying centered toe readings.

Fast and easy to use, the AC400 clamping system provides secure clamping without touching the rim. This patented technology allows accurate and repeatable results coupled with ease of use and durability. No accessories needed to accommodate the full range of tire sizes.

Measure ride height and obtain proper alignment specifications for those vehicles requiring it.

Vehicle Orientation Directional Indicator (VODI) guides the technician through the measurement process. Reduces the amount of time spent walking back and forth from the vehicle to the aligner.

Measure ride height and obtain proper alignment specifications for those vehicles requiring it.

View detailed videos of how to make needed adjustments to complete even the most complex tasks.